Monday, February 18, 2013

The Many Moods of Mosaic Contest!

Introducing the Many Moods of Mosaic boards. We designed these boards to help inspire our clients and spark their own creativity when planning an event!

Over the next few weeks, we will be posting our mood boards on our Facebook page. Please leave a creative caption in the form of a comment as a title for the board!


Black & White Beauty (See this mood board photo below.) How would you describe this image?


The winning caption will receive a $20 VISA gift card!

The winner of each Many Moods of Mosaic caption contest will then be entered into a larger contest.
The Mood Boards and each corresponding winning caption will be featured in a Facebook album.

Fans of Mosaic will be asked to vote for their favorite board and corresponding comment by clicking "like" on the entry they like best! WINNERS- Please be sure to share your winning caption on your own FB page to encourage your friends to vote for your board!

The board with the most votes ("likes") will receive a $200 Visa gift card, courtesy of Mosaic!


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